Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A book with a powerful message

(I hope its ok I post here, though it may be a bit out of format, but was just really impressed by this book and wanted to get word out.)

I recently read a book with a powerful message and one that grabs a person by the heart. Whether you are parent or not, Jenny McCarthy's new book Mother Warriors: A Nation of Parents Healing Autism Against All Odds (Sept. 2008) talks about the serious nature of autism and how people and open-minded doctors are finding ways to treat and in some cases cure this 'incurable' disease that is becoming more and more prevalent in America and across the world. Mother Warriors talks not only about McCarthy's battle with her own son's autism, but her argument on some of the causes behind autism (namely childhood immunizations), independent medical organizations that are working to cure it (such as DAN!, e.g. Defeat Autism Now!), and her fight against the conservative and unresponsive American Association of Pediatrics about the causes of autism. The book also includes the stories of other parents (in their own words) and their ups and downs in dealing with and treating autism. Overall, the book is a easy read, but one that pulls you right along. Its something you can't really put down because its such a captivating issue and battleground topic. Some will consider it controversal, since it doesn't speak highly of the conservative medical community, though it does praise progressive doctors, such as those at DAN!. It is a book that works to challenge the way you view the traditional medical profession and their response to autism. Before allying yourself with any school of thought on the reasons behind some causes of autism, its worth reading the book with an open mind (since this can be a personal and emotional issue). Anyhow, for me this was a great book and I hope you'll read it and pass it along to friends. Thanks, ZJ.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January's book #2

Since it seems that some of us are going to have a long wait to get our hands on The Shack, I am proposing a book to read in the interim. That book is:
A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck

I just put a hold request for it at my local library, and I'm the only one on the list ... so I am hoping that the demand for this book isn't as great as The Shack ... let me know if y'all manage to get your hands on a copy. Thanks :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Does anyone have it?

Has anyone been able to get their hands on The Shack yet? I have it on hold from the library, but I'm not high up on the list (though higer than you, Carly). If we can't get it soon, we'll maybe just postpone it and pick something else ...

Monday, January 5, 2009

January's book

Sheesh, can it really be January 2009? Where did all the time go?

Thanks to everyone who read Christmas Jars. I loved all the commentary! And yes, I totally think that it's awesome that the author himself wrote a comment on Carly's post. Totally awesome!

For the month of January, we're going to be reading:
The Shack, by William P. Young

I've been hearing some interesting things about this book ... and from what I've read about it, I think it will make a very good book club book - with some interesting topics for discussion. The author's website is: http://theshackbook.com/index.html if you want more info on him. Sounds like he had a very interesting childhood.

Thanks again everyone for making this little online book club a success. Happy 2009!