Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Next book

Our next book assignment is going to be Beloved. It’s written by Toni Morrison. You’ll have until Monday March 31st to finish it – then the discussion can begin. I’m hoping we get a lot of discussion -– this one is a 1987 Pulitzer Prize winner and was voted by the New York Times as the best works of American fiction of the past 25 years. It’s written by an African-American woman and the theme of the book revolves around slavery. It looks good – and it looks like it will be one that will prompt a lot of stimulating conversation on the blog.

Speaking of the blog –- there is no discussion going on from finishing Angels and Demons. I know that everyone is very busy … but the idea of the book club is to read a book, then discuss it … in our case, by posting something on the blog. So please go in and write something about Angles & Demons. I don’t think everyone is checking the blog nearly enough -– try to check it once a week (or so) for updates, etc. And write some stuff! You can post your feelings about Angels and Demons over the next few weeks, while you are getting started into reading Beloved.

Happy reading!! Thanks everyone!!



MiriamR said...

Wow this is the first time I have been able to post because I just made a gmail account. Very confused and moving so I haven't read the books yet but I am planning on reading Beloved, I just need to get moved in and then I will start. Sorry guys I will try to join in when I get more settled.

Sarah said...

Yea Miriam, I'm glad you've joined us!! I wrote something on your blog so go ahead and check it.