Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Reading Schedule

I was talking to a friend today who is a member of a book club. I asked her about a time line for reading and they do a book a month. I think this would work well, especially since we are pretty much at the beginning of February (in essence) and then it would keep things moving along well without having to set a rigid schedule of chapters. I am not sure if this is what everyone wants to do or not, it is just a suggestion. We can do what works best for all of us though.
--Michelle Jamison

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I know I have a bit more free time than most of you - so I can do more than one book a month. But I am cool with one book a month if that works for everyone else - I'll work on reading my Civil War book in the middle of the other books :) Anyone else have any suggestions?